Monday, February 2, 2009

A new winter month

For Today... February 2, 2009

Outside my window… The sun is rising and the skies are clear after days of grey and dismal. It makes my heart sing. I can live with the cold but I miss the sunshine so much when it hides from me.

I am thinking….It is a new day and a new week. This week I want to make more opportunities for solitude. I found last week that I truly suffered for lack of solitude. I know it is mine if I make a conscious effort for it.

From the learning rooms....I am learning that mothering does not stop when our children are grown. I am learning that mothering becomes even more difficult because grown children cannot be sent to their rooms for a time out or grounded because of misbehaver. I am learning that it is my responsibility to pray for them and allow them to make their own mistakes and learn from them. This is a very hard lesson for me.

I am thankful for …. My retirement which gives me 24 hours a day to choose what I will fill my days with. I am thankful for all the modern conveniences that I so often take for granted, like the furnace that keeps the house warm, the hot water that comes from the faucet on demand and most of all for indoor plumbing. On these cold days I can’t imagine having to use outdoor plumbing.

From the kitchen….. All is quiet for now. Morning is not a time when I can wrap my mind around food. I have some cube steaks.(tenderized round steak, I believe) in the frig which will probably be our dinner. Also there is a beautiful head of Cauliflower and fresh carrots that will most likely accompany the meat. But then my mind must decide on pasta, potato, or rice. Later…….. I will put it all together in my mind before deciding.
I saw a recipe for wonderful French onion soup on TV over the weekend that I would love to make but it takes over 4 hours total to make it and I do not have time to devote to it today.

I am wearing…. Black dress slacks, a short sleeved mock turtle neck top and a brocade blazer because I am soon to go out. I have on warm socks and comfortable shoes as I will most likely be doing a fair share of walking today.

I am reading…. I am still reading Knit Two by Kate Jacobs. I am over half way through. I need to finish it this week because it is due at the library by week’s end. It is a nice book but my mind is so full of other things so that it is not holding my attention well

I am hoping..that I can put all my trust in the Lord, knowing he will meet my every need. That I will quickly lay aside worry and dwelling on the unsure things that come into my days.

I am creating…. Fronts for greeting cards. These are done by doing paper embroidery patterns. The current ones are done on navy blue cardstock and the colors of the threads “pop” with the dark cardstock.
I have perhaps 2 dozen different patterns pricked and ready for embroidery. It is slow work but I find it almost meditative. It is rewarding knowing that in the end, they will become cards to be sent out and hopefully bless others as well.

I am hearing… classical music from the radio. I am thankful that we have such a good public radio station giving me a wonderful range of music for just the flip of the switch. I have come to so appreciate classical music.

Around the house… nothing much is happening yet. The kitties and dog have been fed, and now are watching birds from the windows or settling in for a morning nap.

One of my favorite things…the smell of clean sheets. Today I stripped the beds and put the clean sheets on the bed. What a wonderful fragrance they are. I was tempted to crawl back in bed.

A few plans for the rest of the week….will include art class at the senior center and hopefully if the weather and roads permit a trip to our favorite supplier of popcorn. It is a trip of almost 80 miles one way and could be enjoyable. If I go I will stop along the way at a nice sewing center and pick up some additional colors of machine embroidery floss to use on the paper embroidery I am currently working on. They are made for machine embroidery but work well with fine beading needles and make things so lovely.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you Sunrises and sunsets were meant to bring us back to our center and remind us that things in our lives should be more simple.

1 comment:

  1. Sally Ann, I so agree with you about mothering doesn't stop when the kids grow up and leave home. The hardest thing for me to do was cut the apron string and let them learn from their mistakes. God was my crutch I leaned on when I wanted to rush in and take over for them.
    Can't wait to see your cards they sound so neat.
